Friday 21 June 2019

A Little bit of Signal is Worse Than No Signal

One of the problems with the spot I'd chosen today is the fact that there is only a very weak phone signal and this has a tendency to drain my phone quite rapidly, couple with the fact that I'd forgotten to put the additional battery pack in the car. As I use the phone as my camera as well, which also drains the battery, I had to be a bit sparing with the photos. Even so it still ran out an hour before I was due to leave. Actually it doesn't run out. It shuts down at 12% battery. When you restart it it boots with a silly animation draining even more power leaving barely enough to make a phone all. Having winged about the phone, on with the fishing and another trip to the Derwent. The brown colour has all but gone, but it's still not as clear as it could be.

I carried on with my barbell/chub hunt. Garlic Spam on one rod and halibut pellet on the other. The Spam was cast to the an upstream crease with a PVA bag of small bits and a few pellets. The pellet was dropped the other side of the streamer weed with a feeder full of 4mm and 6mm pellets. I left the Spam where it was all session as there wasn't really another feature I could cast to. The pellet rod was recast very 5 minutes for the first hour to build up a bit of a bed of pellets. It was about this time that the silly bites started, like last time. Then I got a classic barbel bite, but it clearly wasn't a barbel on the hook. After an initial surge it came in like a lump of weed. A tatty looking and hollow chub of 3lb 10oz. It was quite a while before the next and very similar bite. This felt like a barbel. After giving me the run-a-round for few minutes it got it's nose stuck in the weed. After giving it a bit of slack it dropped downstream a bit, but not as far as I would have liked as there was a very long clump of weed better the fish and myself. I'd hoped to bring it back upstream near the bank which was pretty clear. Thank fully it just decided to stay deep until I got it past the weed and hauled it up to the surface. It didn't look as big as it had felt and only went to 5lb 9oz on the scales. Still a nice fish that even with out weeding it's self put up a good scrap.


The next fish bite came a little while latter, a spirited and tidy looking chub of 2lb 13oz. It was at this point the phone shutdown. Two more chub followed on consecutive casts. One of 2lb 12oz one of 2lb 14 oz. It then went quiet apart from one little rattle. I gave it another hour before packing in. The garlic Spam failed to work it's magic this time as all the fish were taken on pellet.

Two barbel on consecutive trips from the Derwent is not bad going as it doesn't chuck them out willingly. Back to work tomorrow so it'll be Thursday before I'm out again. Between now and then thunderstorms have been predicted so the rivers may be back up and coloured again. We shall see.

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