Sunday 14 July 2019

Helpful Ranunculus

Friday saw me back on the Derwent in pursuit of barbel and/or chub. The plan of action was to feed a couple of swims with about a kilo of 4,6,& 8mm pellets and fish 8mm ones on a running leger rig. One of the swims I intended to fish was occupied by somebody playing a rather nice 2lb+ perch. He'd had a larger one earlier and went on to take a couple more. In the other swim I intended to fish the ranunculus had continued to grow and was now across the front of it, which could present a problem landing fish. As it was it proved useful as the landing net reached it and could be rested on it. The net head sunk just nicely to bring a fish over.


After baiting the swims, one upstream, one down. I decided to have a trot with 6mm pellet on the hook before putting the leger rods out. Second trot down I hooked the tiniest minnow. The next cast, though, produced a nice chub. While it was resting in the net I hooked another around the same weight. 3lb 2oz and 3lb not a bad start. That was it though. I trotted the swim for another 45mins. with out a bite.


I put the leger rods out and quickly had interest on the upstream rod. By now, though, I wasn't feeling too well. I felt a bit queasy earlier in the day, but it seemed to pass. Just as I decided to pack up the upstream rod rattled about and, after a frantic couple of minutes a 5lb barbel was in the net. By now I was feeling much much worse and set off home.

Thankfully the traffic wasn't bad for a Friday and I managed to get home just in time. I had kept my trousers tucked into my socks just in case. Good job I hadn't tried to tough it out as the next few hours were very unpleasant and I certainly wouldn't have been able to drive.


  1. Would be happy with a Barbel like that. Well done

    1. Thanks Adam,

      I'm hoping to be back for a bigger one.

  2. Been there, got home almost in time though....

    1. Oh dear. That's what I though was going to happen. It's amazing how quickly you get over come by stomach bugs and their consequences.
