Friday 6 March 2020

Two Familiar Faces

The grass was white over with frost and the air filled with the smell of chocolate, from the factory formally known as Rowntree's, as I set off towards the river. I'd decided on the Wharfe as it was less than a foot up. The Derwent was going through like an express train, apparently. The Nidd was too high and the Ouse was at an awkward height. By the time I got there the sun was out and it looked a pleasant day. The river was surprisingly clear, this meant I could see the river bottom. This was odd as on my last visit I was stood in two foot of water at this point and now, with the river one foot up, it was only a foot deep. A whole new gravel bar has materialised as a result of the floods. I found similar results in half of the swims I'd visited. The river bed has been well and truly re-sculptured. Looks like I may have to sit in the middle of the river while barbel fishing next season.

The first swim I fished was a classic pike swim, according to the books and magazines. Slack water behind a tree on the inside of a bend. Float legered  roach and sardine were the offers. One at the bottom of the ledge, one on the top.  When I got my phone out ot take a picture of it I found it had died and no matter what I did it rrfused to start up.After an hour and a half with nothing to show I moved on to a similar swim further upstream with similar results. The same result also occurred in the third swim. After a spot of lunch and a rethink I moved on to a fourth swim. This time I dropped the roach in to a deeper spot besides an over hanging tree. The other rod was changed to a running leger and lamprey. This was flung across the river into the faster current on the far side.  The pike I'd foul hooked when grayling fishing was from a similar swim upstream, so why not.

While sat waiting for a bite I was approached by a familiar face I couldn't initially place. It turned out to be Mark Barrow of Beneath British Waters fame who was looking for some wet wipes to swim in or something. It's nice to meet people off the WEB. We had a brief discussion on sewage outfalls, angling, etc. before parting. Despite been distracted from the rods no runs occurred. The fifth and final swim was the one I'd foul hooked the pike in.  The same tactics as the previous swim, but with the float rod downstream in a little slack. While waiting for a run something otter/mink like swam across the river downstream of me. I did try to film it but as it was too far away really all I got was a bit of the wake. It then headed upstream along the bottom of the bank. Once opposite me I could see it was a mink. I quickly disappeared into the some tree roots when a spaniel appeared with it's owner and was not seen again.

Not long after the baitrunner on the legered lamprey began clicking before moving off at quite a rate. My strike contacted with something which felt like a log or branch at first, but then shook it's head a few times before coming adrift. A slightly serrated lamprey was retrieved and recast, now oozing more blood. Shortly after the float started to head towards the tree. A quick strike and a heave resulted in a small jack thrashing on the surface before becoming snagged on a sunken branch. By the time I'd made my way down to the snag the jack had come adrift. From the other side of the snag the hooks came away quite easily. Another roach was put on and dropped in the same area. There both baits sat until nearly dark.

Three more sessions available before the end of the river season. The rivers are slowly dropping so hopefully I should be able to find some pike somewhere. The problem now is the fact that pike appear to be spawning so may well be tightly bunched up and vast lengths of river basically devoid of pike.

I managed to get the phone going again when I got home. It would appear the battery has failed, or half of it anyway as it now holds only half the charge it should. With the Chinese factories shut down due to Covid-19 this is not the best time to get a replacement battery. I was on the look out for a new phone anyway.

Music for typing provided by Punky Radio

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