Thursday 12 November 2020

First Cast Jinx

With the local river fining down and not too many leafs drifting down it I decided to give it a go with light lures. Despite the fact this little river is only 15 minutes walk from the house I haven't fished it much in recent years.  Armed with the minimum of kit I was soon sliding about on the very muddy bank.


I clipped on a small Fire Tiger 4Play that seems quite popular with both perch and jack pike.I tossed it out just to check it was running properly as I'd replaced the hooks on it. All looked good so I sped it up a bit and was shocked when a reasonable looking perch hit it right under the rod tip. A bit big for swinging out I had to knock the anti-reverse off to give some line in order to net it. I nice looking fish of 0.97lb. Not bad considering I'd really started fishing as such.


I slowly headed downstream towards the city centre with out much success apart from the odd branch and bits of weed. As I got further down the leafs started to become a problem. As it was a bit deeper here I changed to a noisier little crank bait that I've no idea what it's called. It did however, attract the attention of a jack around the 3-4lb mark. Again, it was taken right under the rod tip. With only the wire trace beyond the rod tip and standing on a bank three foot up there was some serious thrashing about before the hooks were spat out.  I continued down to the next bridge by which time it was dark. There's no dusk now, it's either light or dark.

I'd covered one mile of river for the two fish. I'll give it another go later when there are less leafs about as they made it hard work.


  1. I don't really lure fish, I should

    1. It's a slippery slope. You just end up with box after box of strangely coloured bits of wood and plastic and shiny metal things with bizarre names cluttering the shed.
