Tuesday 28 September 2021

Barbel Fishing For Pike

As I had a couple of days off I spent a bit of time on Sunday contemplating what to fish for and where. Monday and Wednesday afternoons looked decent weather wise. I initial considered pike fishing on Monday, hoping the rivers may get a bit of a flush through from the forecast rain and waking the barbel up. I then decided what with the dry ground and things the rivers wouldn't benefit much from the rain, so decided I'd give barbel fishing a go on Monday. With some recent discussions about cheese paste and a reminder that it used to be a very popular barbel bait around here I'd made up a batch, so that was one bait sorted. My bait bucket also contained some Peperami that was getting on a bit. This had ben doing well over summer apparently. Now I have to say I've never done particularly well  with the stuff. Probably because I put one bit on the hook and then eat the rest.

The meat went down with a hemp filled feeder and the cheese past upstream with a small cage feeder filled with crumb. The meat attracted attention very quickly. After a couple of missed bites the tip rattled about and I was into a small fish, a chub at a guess. Strangely it seemed to get heavier as I reeled it in. Eventually a small pike and a large branch appeared on the surface. The current forced the branch into the dead and dying bankside vegetation. Rather than try and drag the branch through the weed I wandered down stream until I was opposite it. The jack then flicked itself and the hook off the branch. Oh well, saved a bit of faffing about. The sunshine disappeared and the wind and rain turned up. During which I had several bites to meat which couldn't hit despite tying different sized pieces. The cheese though was steadfastly ignored.

After the rain the sun popped out again and I enjoyed a sandwich and cuppa while nothing much happened. I'd swapped the baits around to no effect. Not long after I returned them to the original arrangement I got a couple of sharp tugs on the downstream rod and was into something heavy. A decent barbel I thought, but no, a decent pike rolled on the surface. It didn't really put up the struggle It should have done at this time of year. After a bit of a problem with the net snagging with the pike only half in, I got it to the bank, all 12lb 8oz of it. A rather skinny beast with what looked like and otter bite to it's dorsal fin.

There had been quite a bot of pike activity. Bait fish scattering downstream of me. As somebody came down the far bank looking like he intended to prebait, until he saw me, a swim a pike swirled on the far bank. A bit later a fish shot out of the water in front of me. A couple of anglers who'd been fishing downstream reported pike activity with one taking a jack on pellet. Looked like I'd made the wrong choice. I fished on into dark, but apart from a couple of rattles on the meat caught nothing more. In the half hour between the sun dropping behind the hill and dark the temperature had dropped from 13C to 7C.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh yes. Outwitted by cold blooded creatures with brains the size of peas.

    2. Think that happens to us all, regularly!

  2. Replies
    1. It made me jump when I was reviewing the video.
