Friday 10 December 2021

Sitting In The Sun By The River

It was my hope that the river would be fishable on Thursday, but it had started to rise again early Wednesday and had risen two foot by the end of the day on top of the five foot it was already up. Thursday morning it had risen another eighteen inches, but appeared to be levelling out. At this height there would be some nice slacks behind the over-hanging trees, so the river was still on. Arriving at the river Thursday morning it was somewhat colder and frostier than at home, but the river levels looked OK

I started at my chosen swim with a large half mackerel float ledgered to the right and a small roach fished on a float paternoster rig to my left, and there they sat doing nothing as the sun came out. A quick trip back to the car was called for to get the clip-ons as I could no longer see the floats. After another hour I moved swims.  By now the river was barely rising, but the main current was clearly getting faster. Another hour went by with nothing to show so I moved again, back to where I started.

After lunch I tried the swims either side of me. Just the one rod was used as they were a bit tight. Half an hour with each bait produced nothing at all. The last hour or so into dark was spent in the swim I started in. Again nothing happened. by now the river was starting to drop very slowly.

It can get tedious a series of blanks, but if the fish aren't feeding then there's nowt you an do really.


  1. Replies
    1. That's the thing with predators, they only need the occasional meal.

  2. I'm in a green spot at the moment with 8 landed in 2 sessions. Before that it was 0 landed in 2 sessions... The mind boggles 😬

    1. That's how it goes. You begin to wonder why you bother then when you do get back into them you remember why.
