Saturday 22 July 2023

Killing Time On The Navigation

Found myself in the vicinity of the navigation with a couple of hours to a kill and a bit of tackle in the car. I only had a small box with a few lures in and there was a steel trace on the line for some reason. No mono so the steel trace, though not ideal, would have to do. I did think of removing the clip from the trace and tying it direct to the braid but I'm not too keen on braid straight to the lure.

First lure out of the little box was a blade lure, and excellent search lure. This produced a small perch after a couple of casts. This was quickly followed by another before it went quiet despite wandering quite a distance.

By now I was I was in a area with a lot of weed near the edge with lots of little perch about. A change to a little white shad quickly produced a small perch. While several were happy to follow it to the bank, or even stare at it while I jigged it about no more attacked it. A change to a small green tube got similar results until one took a lunge at it and was hooked. A blue sparkly shad had similar results again but this time two took a like to it.

The only other lure in the little box was a small Salmo hornet which I hadn't bothered with so far as it isn't the easiest to fish in the small areas around the weed. Now, though, I was at a point where the channel narrowed and I was able to to cast long the out side of the weeds. This made for some fun sport. Although not particularly big I was able to catch quite a few perch with some very solid hits at times which had me thinking I was into a larger fish. A couple of dozen fish and as many hits again so passed the time.

An entertaining couple of hours once i fathomed which lure they preferred. I not sure why there was so little enthusiasm for the other lures, maybe the Hornet made a lot more noise.

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