Sunday 6 March 2016

Jack Saves The Day

A later start than normal saw me packing the car with the usual collection of pike gear and hoping the pike would  be obliging. A 23 had come out earlier in the week so hopes were high.

The plan of action for the day was to fish dead baits for a couple of hours then throw lures about before moving to another swim if there was no action. This what happened in the first swim. I moved to my next chosen swim, with the same plan.

After a couple of hours with no action I started to throw a lure about. The last cast with the lure rod produced a follow, as did the next couple of casts before a pretty jack grabbed hold of the lure. As I brought it close to the bank I realised it had a point throw both the bottom and top of it's mouth and hadn't crushed the barbs. Thankfully the hook came out easily.  Not sure if it was the same fish that had followed the lure three time I remained in the swim til darkness, but with out any further action.

I'm on holiday for the rest of the week, the last week of the coarse season and was hoping to get a bit of river fishing done. The recent rain though has seen the rivers rise very rapidly, as the water logged ground meant it ran straight into the rivers. Hopefully they should drop quickly to a reasonable level to get a bit of river fishing done.

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