Friday 25 March 2016

Opening Day

Today, Good Friday, was the opening day of the trout season here in Yorkshire. So, armed with a new rod, reel and line, I set of to the river. Given the extent off the recent flooding and the fact it was still carrying nearly a foot of extra water I wasn't expecting much. I was surprised to see most of the colour had now gone and, as I wondered round, the few riffles and pools were still in the same place.

My initial plan of attack was to fish two nymphs below a sighter. The two flies were both PTNs the upper one being a gold head to get them down. I also intended to fish a couple of spiders through the faster sections.

My casting proved to be somewhat rusty as I got used to the new outfit. It eventually dawned on me that it wasn't just getting used to the new set up that was the problem, I'd forgotten to give the new line a bit of a stretch. Once I'd done that things got a lot better in the casting front. Not that this impressed the trout at all. Nor were they impressed with worms either, as a natter with another angler revealed. He'd just had a couple of grayling on the lower stretch.

A move to the upper end of the fishery don't prove any more fruitful either. but I did see my one an only flying insect of the day. Not sure what it was as insect identification is not one of my strong points.

A miss cast late in the day produced my one and only fish of the day, a small chub. It grabbed a GRHE complete with a bit of bank side debris just as it hit the water after I'd tugged it of the bank. It has to be said, this is not a particularly prolific trout fishery. Most of the trout I caught last year were taken on lures or while trotting maggots for other species. Still, it was nice to out on the only decent day over Easter.

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