Using the same tactics as yesterday, roaming with cheese paste I tried further down the same stretch. After trying a couple of swims I was getting a few knocks in the third and latched onto a cheeky dace that had managed to get a size 6 hook in it's mouth. I tried a bit longer in this swim than scheduled before a small jack grabbed to hook as I was winding in and bit through as I drew it to the net. I think it was the orange bead that I'd hair rigged, to give the paste something extra to grip to, that had attracted it.

A few swims later and another little jack grab the cage feeder before coming adrift. By now the wind had got up and was blowing straight upstream, making bite indication a tad awkward. A couple more swims failed to produce. In the next I got a slow steady pull which resulted in I rather hollow 1¾lb chub, which put up no resistance at all, but seamed to swim off strongly enough. A few swims further on I pulled out of what seemed to be a good fish. Inspecting to hook showed no obvious problems, but I swapped it even so. Only for the same thing to happen in the very next swim. Over last few swims the only attention I got was another jack taking a lunge at the feeder as I lifted it from the water.

Not the worst day's fishing I've had, so that's it from the rivers until the 16th, or the 25th of March if I decide to do a bit of trout fishing.