Wednesday 6 July 2022

Perch Free Bike Graveyard

 Another taxi run to the station and a another chance for some perch around the bike graveyard. This time I tried a cannibal shad instead of the crankbait in the hope of attracting something bigger but after half an hour it had produced nothing so I changed back to the crankbait. This too produced nothing. I spotted some fish scattering on the far bank so crossed the bridge for a go at them.

Neither the crankbait of cannibal shad produced so much as a follow. A bit further along I spot a few small perch swimming about close to the bank. I changed to a small translucent green shad on a 2g jig head and was straight into a small perch. Then another one. Then nothing. They'd disappeared. Fan casting about, though produced a few more. Nearly all of these were taken as the bait dropped through the water on the cast. Only a couple came on the retrieve.

Seventeen small perch in thirty minutes from around the same spot was quite good fun. I wish I could have stayed longer but as it was I was cutting things a bit fine as I had to get across the city in rush hour.