I still took two rods though, as there is quite a distance between features. First fish out, by the bridge, to the usual chartreuse drop shot lure was a little pike. With nothing more after twenty minutes I wandered along towards the lock. A few goes with the drop shot on the way there picking up another perch near a fallen branch. At the lock another two perch were taken. A chuck about with a small 4-play produced a pike of about 4lb which put up a very acrobatic fight. Although I spent mostof my time picking weed from the lure.

Final port of call was another bridge which again produced a small pike to drop shot, quickly followed by another perch. On the way up a small pike managed to grab the small 4-play in between me picking weed off.

Not the most pleasant four hours fishing I've had. Wind, drizzle and weed being rather irritating, but I didn't blank and the feisty 4lb pike livened things up.