Wednesday 20 June 2018

Glorious 16th +4

Down to the Nidd again for a short session trotting. My cunning plan to defeat the barbel worked like a charm, didn't hook a single one. 


Armed with  a Youngs Specimen Float, 6.6lb hook length and size 16 heavy gauge hook under a 3g Chubber I had no problem getting bites with plenty of little chub and a few bleak coming to hand in the first swim, until a 12oz grayling turned up. Unfortunately it didn't survive this encounter, as it swam over the drop off, after I'd released it, a pike shot up and grabbed it. Nothing more came from that swim so I moved on.

The next swim produced a couple of smaller grayling before the little chub turned up. Again plenty, but of no size, were landed. Like the provisos swim a pike turned up, grabbing a fish as I wound it in, chomping straight through the line. As I tied an another hook length a few of the little chub scattered and there was a large swirl as the pike continued their breakfast. So I moved again.


After a couple of trots through the heavens opened with one of those scattered showers. Thankfully I'd brought my brolly so hid under that. I set the float over depth and added some more shot and did some stret-pegging, as trotting from under a brolly is hard work. First bite was from a gudgeon, which didn't make it to the bank snaffled by a pike again. By the time the rain had ease off it was time to leave.

I have chance for one last go tomorrow Hopefully I may be able to add a gudgeon and barbel to the species caught and the pike will be full, so not make a nuisance of themselves.

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