Friday 23 October 2020

Ure Double

As I looked at the river levels today, Friday, it was a slightly confused picture, but the Ure was rising steadily. Of course by the time I got there it had started to drop. It was however running through at a fair rate of knots and the first few swims didn't look too inviting. I eventually found one that had a nice crease downstream and a good slack behind a tree upstream. Equally importantly it had a flat bit of bank within three foot of the water, rather than been perched a lot higher up the bank. The double worm rod, along with a groundbait feeder with chopped worm, was dropped in to the slack. The pellet rod went downstream in to the crease.

As I reached round for the action cam the pellet rod wrapped round and I was in to a solid fish which clung to the bottom as I hauled it back upstream. A good heave got it to the surface and in to the net in one go. No faffing about under the rod tip avoiding the net. A nice barbel of 6lb 6oz. As I was releasing it from it's rest in the landing net the rod went over again. This one came upstream a bit easier, but did the usual barbel tactic of dashing about under the rod tip before giving up. Nearly a pound lighter at 5lb 7oz it had, unlike the first, managed to take line against the drag. 

Surprisingly that was it for the day. Two barbel in the first half hour, they normally aren't that quick to show up. I stayed quite a while into dark, but didn't get another bite. The worms remained untouched as well. Aren't the slacks supposed to be full of fish when the river is up and tanking through.

Music while typing provided by: Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine


  1. Replies
    1. I never like catching first cast as it's usually the only fish of the day.

  2. I must fish the Ure one day!!

    1. The Boroughbridge & District Angling Club Stretch is the bit I fish. £5 a day.
