Nothing Better To Do
I hadn't originally panned to go fishing today, but with the wind not as bad as expected I decided to go to a local gravel pit for a short session. First though I had a bit of a tidy up of the garage to see what I'd done with my big unhooking mat, which wasn't in the car when I arrived at the river yesterday. No sign in the garage at all. Before I left I popped down to the compost heap with the kitchen waste and there t was, at the bottom of the garden. It must have got blown down there the day before when I brought everything out of the garage.
Apart from the odd gust and the creaking trees things weren't to bad at the pit. I only fished a three swims. The first produced a small jack on a float fished sprat close to an over hanging tree. The second swim produced just the one run which I missed. The afternoon was very quiet for me after that. Another angler had a couple of jacks in the swim opposite me. Better than sitting inside. Now to sort the fly gear out, ready for the 25th.
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