Saturday 1 June 2024

A Quick Dabble

 Having carried out my minder duties and had a cuppa I wasn't totally sure about a quick bit of angling as there was a rather chilly wind and the fleece I had is far from wind proof. By the time I'd made up my mind to give it a go the was only about forty minutes before I had to be elsewhere. A seven foot rod  and a small goldhead PTN Seemed to be right for a quick dabble.

Really I should of used the eight footer as I could only just reach over the weed to drift the nymph along. Second drift down I got a take and up popped one of the little escapee rainbows. A few more drifts close to the weed and I latch onto another which I managed bump off swinging to hand. I moved up the beck drifting the nymph close to the edge of various patches of weed. I managed a couple more takes which I didn't connect with. Around the next bend the swan family were drifting down. The cob made it clear I wasn't welcome. So back up the bank. No point in pissing off swans with cygnets.

I tried a few more holes but nothing came of them. The wind had now turned around a bit as wasn't as chilly, time was up very quickly. I'd caught a fish so it was OK.

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