Saturday 20 February 2016

Slump In Form

All sportsmen go through a slump in form. It doesn't matter whether it's angling, golf, cricket, or any other sport. This is what I keep telling myself as I venture forth in the hope my slump is over.

Today's plan, following a discussion last week, was a spot of live baiting. Just float fish maggots, bread, sweetcorn and you'll soon have a few roach or skimmers, I was told. There are several reasons I don't do much live baiting these days. I rarely manage to catch them on the day and even if I do catch the fish are invariably the wrong size, too small or too big. If they're are the right size then the pike won't be feeding or I just catch jacks.

So armed with a pint of maggots I fished a smallish waggler on the drop with double maggot. After a couple of casts I had a bite and all too quickly bumped of what felt like a reasonable perch. I continued on for another 30 mins. with nothing to show, not even a chewed maggot before moving round the pond to a bay where I'd seen fish topping. The moment the float hit the water all activity stopped. I sprinkled a few maggots around a couple of likely spots before chucking a couple of dead-baits out. Alternating between bread and maggot I continued to try and get a live bait or two. After a while I struck at a slowly sinking float and was met with something solid. Slowly, what looked like a double figure carp rose to the surface, at which point it dived straight to the bottom creating a cloud of bubbles. The line promptly parted at the hook. I had failed to notice the anti-reverse was on and I couldn't back-wind. The clutch on my old Daiwa closed face reel being next to useless. That was it for excitement for the day.

At least I have a excuse for not catching tomorrow, a work party.

On a brighter note, here's a bloke not catching while giving out some very use advice about lure angling.

Catch more fish on lures Top Tips

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