Sunday 7 February 2016

Water, Water, Every Where

Believe it, or not, I used to catch fish before I started this blog.

After some umming and ahing, whether to fish baits or lures and information that a few decent jacks had recently been coming out of Pocklington canal, that's where I ended up at first light. Throwing medium sized jerk baits as I wandered down the canal every thing looked god. The wind wasn't too bad and the water had a bit of colour to it. Appearances can be deceptive, either that or predators don't feed on Sundays. As I proceeded to catch nothing. Nor did I see any fish, a follow would be nice.

On the way back to the car I had  few casts around a bridge with various lures and had a shoal of small perch accompany a lure in. Changing to a small crank bait then spinner produced nothing. The only other fish I saw all day was a bream about 2-3lb that looked to be suffering a long slow death from a deep gash on its back which looked like propeller damage to me.  Further on I had a quick chat with an angler spinning for perch, he to was busy blanking. He'd also had a blank on another stretch that I intended to visit if this one failed. Lunch and a rethink was called for.

While eating lunch my informant turned up, walking his dog, and after hearing my tale of woe suggested I try further down as he'd had a few fish for there recently. So of I trundled in the car to another stretch. What we hadn't realised was how far the Derwent had come up and was now backing the canal up. I gave it a go with one or two different noisy lures but again failed to attract interest.


The huge 'lakes' either side of the canal were a sight to behold. This is supposed to happen as this area is now a wetland nature reserve and very impressive it looks when flooded.

Arriving back at the car I realised I may have a problem. I hadn't noticed when I parked up, but he front wheels were in a dip on some rather soggy grass. It took a lot of prating about and all four car mats to get the car out. I really should have had more sense than to park there.

Despondent and muddy I made my way home, stopping at a local pond for a rather half hearted chuck with a couple of lures in the vain hope of saving a blank. Again a blank.  I really wish I knew what's going wrong, if anything.

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